To put it lightly, the last two years have been a harsh reminder that we cannot take anything for granted and that our lives are constantly changing. There is a quote from the frequently viewed film at Christmas time, ‘Love Actually’ …
‘Prime Minister: Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere.’
This year love feels more important than ever. With families being kept apart, often over the other side of the world and people constantly having to isolate our connection with each other and letting our friends and family know that we love them is paramount.
I recently had the privilege of chatting with Dee the owner of the creative hub Kawa Heart Studio and mother of three about ‘LOVE’.
Dee has been collating her thoughts in pictures and words on her ponderings of what ‘Love Is’. After losing her first born daughter ‘Kawa’, Dee gained a deep understanding that in the end love is all that matters.
Grief has led Dee on a journey of exploration and connection to the spiritual world. She believes her daughter is still very much a part of her family, she now happens to be an ‘angel child’.
Her book titled ‘Love Is’ is dedicated to all those people in the world living with ‘angel children’.
‘Love is a shower of tears honouring the ones who have passed.
‘Love is tears that spring from the well of your heart,
‘Love is knowing you will never be apart.’ - dee
Dee describes herself as a homebody and loves nothing more than spending time in her beautiful studio in the sea side town of Freemantle W.A. She has manifested a business where fellow creatives come to her home and studio to photograph and video their projects. Dee’s daughter, Rafa Rose and son, Beau Sunray often join in and become a part of these productions.
Dee loves to keep her life simple, treasuring the sweet moments.
‘Noticing the joy we find in the most tiny of gestures and fleeting moments in time.’ - dee
I asked Dee how she and her family were celebrating Christmas and she said: “We will probably take the kids to the beach.”
This sounds just perfect to me.
Nunchi rituals have now worked their way into Dee’s daily life. She applies Morning Body Oil every morning and Just Chill is her go to calming spray throughout the day. Spraying Butterfly Kisses dream spray has become a bedtime ritual with her son Beau and Rafa Rose loves using Nunchi’s Magical Mindfulness Cards with her mum.
Following Dee’s life via Instagram is a window into how to keep things simple and focus on the most important thing in life ‘LOVE’.
Dee’s book titled “Love Is’ Is currently being printed. Stay tuned for its release date in February 2022 via Kawa Heart Studio.
Follow Dee on insta @kawa_heart_studio